Interactivity and a better experience aren't always the same thing..
What is power without control?.
Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few..
You cannot live without doing something..
I love directing and that's where I'm headed. That's where my head is at..
Music has always been in me..
Whom the gods notice they destroy..
We is always so much better than I..
Your thoughts are making you..
Smiling is mostly about smiling more..
you will always love, and you will always be loved.
There are lots of questions which have to be answered..
We can escape from everything, but not from ourselves..
Not everyone has something to say. This will not stop them from saying it..
Everything is true Everything anybody has ever thought.
You always get apprehensive before you do shoots..
I'll tell you what can make bacon better... nothing..
Tinks titties Rache Jenks.
You are skilled. I exhort you..
Things never go smoothly..
Ontogeny re-capitulates phylogeny..