We should demand that Donald release all of his tax returns so that people can see what are the entanglements and the financial relationships that he….
Some men make a womanish complaint that it is a great misfortune to die before our time. I would ask what time? Is it that of Nature? But she, indeed….
To make the future demands courage. It demands work. But it also demands faith..
I know what high stakes politics demands, it is a twenty-four seven, totally consuming experience..
Seeking is all very well, but holding requires greater talent: Seeking involves some luck; now the demand is for skill..
Faith does not always demand that God explains Himself..
But the lesson of Abraham's story is that God demands the best we have to offer, that which is most precious to us..
In a free government the demand for moral qualities should be made superior to that of talents..
If you're just going to meet consumer or clients' demands, you might as well be a plumber - the work will be more frequently available..
Supply creates its own demand..
Emotion creates reality, reality demands action..
It does not matter whether the worker wants responsibility or not, ...The enterprise must demand it of him..
The Internet doesn't change everything. It doesn't change supply and demand..
If you have a lot of what people want and can't get, then you can supply the demand and shovel in the dough..
It was not pre-arranged. It just happened that the driver made a demand and I just didn't feel like obeying his demand. I was quite tired after spend….
The true artists is one who insists on producing a supply, whether or not there's any demand..
God is so vastly wonderful, so utterly and completely delightful that He can, without anything other than Himself, meet and overflow the deepest dema….
Directors don't always create, they can also destroy with too many demands..
Selecting your next challenge in life, choose one that is meaningful and will demand your complete concentration..
The faith which you keep must be a faith that demands obedience, and you can keep it only by obeying it..
There is enough oil out there for world demand. It is true that a lot of what's driving oil prices up right now is not the lack of supply. There's en….