The more one has suffered, the less one demands. To protest is a sign one has traversed no hell..
The mature person meets the demands of life, while the immature person demands that life meet her demands..
The world demands that you work for it, make families, provide, take no time to listen to your own heart beating..
The royal hound's belly demands rubbing. Step lively, humans, neglect me not." ~Oberon.
Professed authors who overestimate their vocation are too full of themselves to be agreeable companions. The demands of their egotism are inveterate..
Our ideology is intolerant...and peremptorily demands...the complete transformation of public life to its ideas..
Until the public demands otherwise, the policy makers will continue to serve their financiers..
Need is not demand. Effective economic demand requires not merely need but corresponding purchasing power..
For I hope my Friends will pardon me, when I declare, I know none of them without a Fault; and I should be sorry if I could imagine, I had any Friend….
Taking architecture seriously therefore makes some singular and strenuous demands upon us...It means conceding that we are inconveniently vulnerable ….
No matter what happens, nothing can prevent the historical process by which society demands freedom and democracy..
Science, at bottom, is really anti-intellectual. It always distrusts pure reason, and demands the production of objective fact..
No one can be good for long if goodness is not in demand..
Leadership requires a non-stop demand of fortitude from Day 1 to the end..
True love does not demand a reward, but it deserves one..
Nearly everyone interested in common stocks wants to be told by someone else what he thinks the market is going to do. The demand being there, it mus….
Marriage! Nothing else demands so much of a man.
In your power, all the same. Subject to your will and your demands. No longer free! No! That's a thought I'll never endure! Never..
Bureaucrats denounce private enterprise for the consequences of their own reckless policies and demand still more governmental controls..
I would say I am more concerned with the plays I'm going to do than the movies. I'm more comfortable in a play. In film, there's always a certain sen….
The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of the clearest reason and if systematically e….