When you make a choice to be of service to others, you gain the courage and sense of determination that will fuel your efforts. With a solid vision i….
Seize the opportunities life has to offer you. Embrace the changes, and have the courage to travel on roads less travelled, even though what is in fr….
I went to extreme measures to achieve my goals, from strapping heavy sandbags on my ankles, hopping on one leg, up and down four flights of stairs at….
Implementing any major changes to the way companies operate requires time and determination and the shift to globally integrated innovation is no exc….
There is no means by which anyone can evade his personal responsibility. Whoever neglects to examine to the best of his abilities all the problems in….
I liked the place I came from. But a lot of what I liked about it was that I had come from there..
That morning each of us found a breaking point. Not only a physical barrier, but a point where determination, stamina and duty clashed and were overc….
You would have to say of John Howard's government that he has tended to go after things with a fair degree of determination, and I would have thought….
We need from every man who aspires to leadership-for himself and his company-a determination to undertake a personal program of self-development. N….
Once you'd resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all..
Survival's the thing, isn't it?.
[Religion] attacks us in our deepest integrity - the core of our self-respect. Religion says that we would not know right from wrong, we would not k….
Poverty is about low, self-esteem and a lack of role models and opportunities. Without money, people resort to de-dignifying activities in order to s….
I have too much drive and determination to let anything falter me..
Nothing can withstand the power of the human will if it is willing to stake its very existence to the extent of its purpose..
How small a portion of our life it is that we really enjoy! In youth we are looking forward to things that are to come; in old age we are looking bac….
We simply rob ourselves when we make presents to the dead..
Art for the most part, is about concentration, solitude and determination. It's really not about other people's needs and assumptions. I'm not intere….
Nothing is so common as unsuccessful men with talent. They lack only determination..
A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history..
It is evident, therefore, that one of the most fundamental problems of psychology is that of investigating the laws of mental growth. When these laws….