But the word of the Gospel is not as the word of an earthly prince..
Self-esteem creates natural highs. Knowing that you're lovable helps you to love more. Knowing that you're important helps you to make a difference t….
No faith is our own that we have not arduously won..
We remember Kurt Cobain for what he was: Caring, generous, and sweet. Let's keep the music with us. We'll always have it..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
The more you invest in your happiness, the more happiness will invest in you..
I'm going to kill them all.
I don't like overt traditionalism..
Immorality is just as bad now as it was in the past. The difference is that now we flaunt it. It used to be done in secret, but now it is done in the….
Life's about changing. Nothing ever stays the same..
We are, after all, homo economicus..
I think that if you make something that's relatable then people will attach themselves to it. You can express it in a lot of different ways but I fee….
What we do not understand, we cannot control..
You can't get rid of a part that makes you you and be happy..
Nobody can hear you read music..
To me, a philosopher who says that the distinction between human and nonhuman depends on whether you have a white or a black skin, and a philosopher ….
I've always been in music. I started out in music, and I will continue to do music..
Some people are worried about the difference between right and wrong. I'm worried about the difference between wrong and fun..
Listening can make the difference between a mediocre organization and a great one..
It's never over till it's over with a friend..
I make the music that I make because that's what naturally comes to me..