Happiness is less regulated by external circumstances than inward enjoyment. Whoever is happy in the satisfaction of himself feels imperturbable feli….
That praises are without reason lavished on the dead, and that the honours due only to are paid to antiquity, is a complaint likely to be always cont….
If we try and fail, we have temporary disappointments. But if we do not try at all, we have permanent regrets..
The disappointment of manhood succeeds the delusion of youth..
To me it seems to be important to believe people to be good even if they tend to be bad, because your own joy and happiness in life is increased that….
Poets claim that we recapture for a moment the self that we were long ago when we enter some house or garden in which we used to live in our youth. B….
O friendship! thou fond soother of the human breast, to thee we fly in every calamity; to thee the wretched seek for succor; on thee the care-tired s….
Rough spots sharpen our performance. And more often than not, obstacles can be turned into advantages. You just can't let your disappointment get in ….
Exactly 5,126 attempts to make the first bagless vacuum cleaner were failures-some catastrophic disappointments, some minor defects. It took 15 years….
Do not lose heart, even if you must wait a bit before finding the right thing. Be prepared for disappointment also, but do not abandon the quest..
You cannot give up on the American dream. We cannot allow our fears and our disappointments to lead us into silence and into inaction..
One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on..
The unawakened mind tends to make war against the way things are. To follow a path with heart, we must understand the whole process of making war wit….
There's a lot of talk about the positive aspects of love. We as a society downplay the danger, the anxiety, and the disappointment. We romanticize ro….
Anyone who has been in business can tell war stories about the bumps in the road. But if they've outlasted the competition, ask for their stories abo….
How much can we ever know about the love and pain in another heart? How much can we hope to understand those who have suffered deeper anguish, greate….
Kenneth Burke calls form the satisfaction of an expectation; The Man Who Loved Children is full of such satisfactions, but it has a good deal of the ….
Have a similar outlook as a monarch. A ruler is not reluctant to come up short. Disappointment is an alternate steppingstone to significance..
Yet there is disappointment in Washington and in the United States that Canada is not supporting us fully..
The reason why women effect so little and are so shallow is because their aims are low, marriage is the prize for which they strive; if foiled in tha….
These things I wish for you-tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life..