When young people are too rigidly sequestered from [the world], their lively and romantic imaginations paint it to them as a paradise of which they h….
Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic..
Let there be no disappointment when obedience keeps you busy in outward tasks. If it sends you to the kitchen, remember that the Lord walks among the….
The problem with getting everything you want in life is that you're not prepared for disappointment when it comes..
We can choose to gather to our hearts the thorns of disappointment, failure, loneliness, and dismay in our present situation. Or we can gather the fl….
How much sweeter life would be if it all happened in reverse, if, after decades of disappointments, you finally arrived at an age when you had conced….
A disappointment is not generally an oversight. It might just be the best one can do the situation being what it is. The genuine error is to quit att….
if we continue with what is surely our greatest Western temptation, and think that in some way history owes us a solution, that we can, by pursuing o….
Disappointment results from the removal of illusion..
In trusting, we let ourselves go. We know that all kinds of unexpected events may come our way. Our tension eases, our mind and our hearts open spont….
I have no interest in ever coming out. I’m just trying to make the pictures look good; I’m not into trying to make myself look good. And besides, it’….
She had the kind of looks that had probably been quite pretty in high school, but were now worn down by years of smoking cigarettes, raising children….
If you use disappointments as sort of mid- semester exams, for learning, you will learn that every disappointment you overcome makes you stronger- an….
Change leads to disappointment if it is not sustained. Transformation is sustained change, and it is achieved through practice..
The reality of the writer's world is that you set yourself up for future disappointment with every success that you deliver because you end up raisin….
Like to the apples on the Dead Sea's shore, All ashes to the taste..
In a world beyond this one, that river goes on singing sweetly, enchanting us with what we want to hear, shaping what we need to see in order to keep….
A child must feel the flush of victory and the heart-sinking of disappointment before he takes with a will to the tasks distasteful to him and resolv….
Every second you spend thinking about what you don't want in your life is a second denying focus and energy from getting what you do want. Every minu….
If you are destined to become a writer, you can't help it. If you can help it, you aren't destined to become a writer. The frustrations and disappoin….
Presents can make up for some of the disappointments that life doles out, such as it makes almost no sense and is coming to an end more quickly than ….