God makes the life fertile by disappointments, as he makes the ground fertile by frosts..
Growing up, my family was an enemy of the state. I have experienced more disappointment than joy, much more sad stories or desperate conditions..
Never raise expectations in others that you cannot realize: promise is less pleasing than disappointment is vexatious..
So rather than denying or stuffing your past, go ahead and look at it, but without judgment. Look at it, express it, admit it, acknowledge it, accept….
You must never give up. You must remember that you have to take risks in order to achieve anything and sometimes you will suffer defeat. But the mark….
When Jo's conservative sister Meg says she must turn up her hair now that she is a "young lady," Jo shouts, "I'm not! and if turning up my hair makes….
youth, balancing itself upon hope, is forever in extremes: its expectations are continually aroused only to be baffled, and disappointment, like a su….
Life delivers far less disappointment when your expectations are low..
The long series of disappointments you accumulate in a lifetime can stop you from moving forward into all the goodness God has planned for you – and ….
If you look at history, even recent history, you see that there is indeed progress. . . . Over time, the cycle is clearly, generally upwards. And it ….
The biggest disappointment has been seeing the number of people in this business with very shortsighted views..
When we give ourselves in love we become our most vulnerable. We are never safe. We become open to disappointment and hurt..
We are often less grieved at disappointments than at ourselves for having said much concerning the certainty of our expectations..
I'm only trying to present as honest a portrayal of the grimness of human ambition as I can. I'd hope it's rather uplifting, actually, since I find t….
If the mood is overly anxious, then anxiety must be reduced by lowering uncertainty. Very simply, uncertainty is reduced when people are told what's ….
Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment..
It would only lead to disappointment, even heartbreak, and her heart was too precious for me to let that happen..
Yea, though the breath of disappointment should chill the sanguine heart, Speedily gloweth it again, warmed by the live embers of hope..
Nobody ever left the presidency with less regret, less disappointment, fewer heart burnings, or any general content with the result of his term (in h….
Nothing is covered adequately by the BBC. The BBC has become the biggest disappointment - they're just so terrified. And in a way it's not their faul….
Those who never philosophized until they met with disappointments, have mostly become disappointed philosophers.