I do Pilates, and hike with my dog..
He reproduced himself with so much humble objectivity, with the unquestioning, matter of fact interest of a dog who sees himself in a mirror and thin….
Every dog is allowed one bite, but a different view is taken of a dog that goes on biting all the time. He may not get his licence returned when it f….
I'm just totally into being strong. There's something about wanting to get a jar or whatever out of a high cupboard, or moving a sofa over because my….
Come on soldiers! Guardians and agents of the supreme law! Here is a sacrifice of dogs ready for your swords!.
I was a hot-dog stand lady, I was an orphan housemother, I was a waitress 3 or 4 times. All of those jobs did not have good bosses. They basically to….
The worst thing about the internet, as far as Greg's bosses were concerned, was that it was now impossible to distinguish a roomful of people working….
Pessimists are just as illogical as optimists; insomuch as both envisage the aims of mankind as unified, and as having a direct relationship (either ….
My friends started having children after college, while I was pursuing this crazy acting career and living hand to mouth. Plus, all my boyfriends wer….
I have yet to see one completely unspoiled star, except for the animals-like Lassie..
If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there's shouting after you, keep going. Don't ever stop. Keep g….
Muzzle a dog and he will bark out of the other end..
Can you understand why the Congress, most states and most cities refuse to pass legislation requiring the registration and licensing of any and all g….
[After playing Indiana Jones and Han Solo] hero image concerns me a little, though not for my sake. All it means to me is that I have a responsibilit….
The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs. - Jeanne.
When I started in the league, I went to a tailor and told him I wanted long t-shirts. But they were like, "You know, you don't know what the trend is….
I have always found it difficult to study. I have learnt almost entirely what I have learnt by trying it out on the dog..
For some are in the habit of carrying about the name in wicked guile, while they still practice things unworthy of God. You must flee these as you wo….
I believed that old people never laughed. I thought they sighed a lot and groaned. They walked with sticks, and they didn't like children on bicycles….
In man, social intercourse has centred mainly on the process of absorbing fluid into the organism, but in the domestic dog and to a lesser extent amo….
Dogs are our best teachers and biggest healers. We can learn so much from them about how to live life in balance, and they are a constant source of s….