As George Costanza would say, when they're applauding, stop..
When you create a movie, you create something in your image..
We cannot work for others without working for ourselves..
Usually when a woman is 60, it's over..
To me, love has always meant friendship..
Then why don't you go and ---- yourself..
A good poem about failure is a success..
We Learn about love by loving..
I'm unshockable, fortunately -- or unfortunately..
You can make your life so much larger simply be acknowledging everyone else's..
Whoever's inside is inside; whoever's out is out..
"Law professors were never like economics professors," a Harvard Law professor told me. "If you disagreed with someone, you didn't call him a fool.".
To be in the 1% you have to do what the 99% won't..
I start a picture and I finish it..
We do what we are and we are what we do..
Faith engenders courage; and also requires it..
What is an ending? There's no such thing. Death is the only ending..
The companies only developed if the state did not intervene in the French fashion. If on the contrary a certain degree of economic freedom was the ru….
Money has to serve, not to rule!.
What belongs to someone, belongs to someone..
I'm afraid to go into myself and see what's going on in there..