God, it was hot! Forget about frying an egg on the sidewalk; this kind of heat would fry an egg inside the chicken..
But the paparazzi are quite malicious and vocal and really rude, ... And they camped outside of my house, so I started throwing eggs at them, lobbing….
You know how most people think that eggs are great sources of protein? Well, you only get about six grams from an egg, and about half of that is in t….
Columbus's eggs lie around by the hundreds of thousands, but Columbuses are met with less frequency..
What is peace? Balance three iron skewers tip to tip, one upon the other; at the summit, emplace and egg, so that it too poises static in mid-air, an….
I'm all for rational enjoyment, and so forth, but I think a fellow makes himself conspicuous when he throws soft-boiled eggs at the electric fan.
It is the sin of omission, the second kind of sin, That lays eggs under your skin..
My dear Excellency! I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose..
I told her I wanted a plastic surgeon to sew me up, and I wanted her to freeze my ovaries, so I could harvest the eggs and have a biological child th….
History is an omlette. THe eggs are already broken..
Food is a big part of my culture, so everyone knows how to cook. When I came to America and asked a babysitter to softboil an egg for my son and she ….
All other areas of my life, I'm hopeless. I can't even be certain how to boil an egg..
Painters tend to ignore the challenges and thrills that sculptors enjoy daily - volume... like the perfect, imperfect voluminous oval of the egg..
Onstage I've been hit by a grapefruit, beercans, eggs, spit, money, cigarette butts, Mandies, Quaaludes, joints, bras, panties, and a fist..
A home without a grandmother is like an egg without salt..
Why writers write I do not know. As well ask why a hen lays an egg or why a cow stands patiently while an underprivileged farmer burglarizes her..
They pointed out that the friendship between the two artists had always been a byword or whatever you called it. A well-read Egg summed it up by sayi….
I was mainly raised by a working mum who didn't have much time or inclination for making food. So I had three or four basic meals: fish fingers and a….
What is my loftiest ambition? I've always wanted to throw an egg at an electric fan..
There was less than I’d expected in the rainy-day fund that Mom had kept in the bottom of an underwear drawer in a panty hose egg labeled ‘DEAD SPIDE….
I like not to feel that all my eggs are in one basket, or I get nervous..