Without unscrambled eggs, there was no time travel, no more depredation of the Now, and we could look to a brighter future of long-term thought--and ….
Zombies smell worse than anything you can imagine if you haven’t been hunting things on the dark side of the world. It’s a ripe, gassy odour, like ro….
There's no law that decrees when not to whinge, but you reach a certain age - 80 seems about right - when you're expected to manifest querulousness -….
Frying gives cooks numerous ways of concealing what appeared the day before and in a pinch facilitates sudden demands, for it takes little more time ….
Being a wiseass in a groupthink environment is like throwing an egg at a bulldozer..
Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs..
For my last meal I'd want an Irish breakfast with soda bread and one of my dad's omelettes with three or four eggs..
A house should not be built so close to another that a chicken from one can lay an egg in the neighbor's yard, nor so far away that a child cannot sh….
How come when you mix water and flour together you get glue...and then you add eggs and sugar and you get cake? Where does the glue go?.
They call it torture when our guys put underwear on a guy's head, stripped him naked, put an egg between his buttcheeks and made him do jumping jacks….
My Chicken can do a special trick! "And what is that?" She can lay an egg! "And what's so special about THAT?!" Well, Can YOU lay an egg?.
I loved him, officer. More than any woman ever loved an egg..
When Christopher finished, there was a moment of silence. Leo looked at Cam expectantly. “Well?” “Well what?” “Now is the time when you dredge up one….
If you are handed something, it's a blessing and a curse. Look at hip hop artists, they produced everything themselves. Even people like Robert De Ni….
Everyone needs time to develop their dreams. An egg in the nest doesn't become a bird overnight..
There is a dessert dish in Austria called Kaiserschmarrn - it's kind of like a sweet raisin pancake with eggs and sugar. It's definitely not somethin….
You know, I had the music baskets and the writing basket. And I had the acting. And those eggs just hatched first, and the others were slow to incuba….
I'm not a nest-egg person..
If we start counting our chickens before they hatch, they won't lay any eggs in the basket.
Truth and eggs are useful only while they are fresh..
The goose that lays the golden eggs likes to lay where there are eggs already..