The destruction of aquatic ecosystem health, and the increasing water scarcity, are in my opinion the most pressing environmental problems facing hum….
I wonder what kind of environmental consciousness is to be developed in a family or a community where nature is seen as either an optional thing, not….
The funny thing about sustainability is you gotta sustain it..
Much guilt arises in the life of the believer from practicing the chameleon life of environmental adaptation..
A 1.5 litres/100km (3 mpg) increase in the auto and light truck fleet is worth 158,968.35 cubic metres (41,994,994.53 US gallons) of oil a day..
We have to understand the ubiquity of energy in everything we do. Energy is core to our economy and it brings with it environmental challenges, and i….
If we save the planet and have a society of inequality, we wouldn't have saved much..
I think there's a green side to John Kerry, if you like, that he's an environmental activist. His record on the environment is as best as you have on….
Wealth and vegetation go together, and that exacerbates environmental injustice. The poor bear the burden of degraded environments..
We ignore slow environmental changes unless they are crisis-driven, such as hurricanes in Florida..
The environment is becoming so much a central concern, I see environmental concerns just bleeding into poetries all over the place. My hope is that w….
To be modern is to destroy nature..
At least if we don't close down the Environmental Protection Agency, we at least put a snaffle bit on them and ride the pony down..
Each of us now has 2.27 kg (5 lbs) of plastic embedded in our bodies..
There are a lot of problems in the world, a lot of tragic things that have to be addressed, economic, medical, political, all kinds of things, but, t….
There is a gyre of discarded floating plastic the size of the continental USA in the ocean. In it, plastic trash outweighs plankton 40 to 1..
Consuming three planets' worth of resources when in fact we have one is the environmental equivalent of childhood obesity - eating until you make you….
Our environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the central nervous system or the brain of nature. We're not the brain, ….
We don't control everything. There are genetic influences. There are environmental exposures we don't control. I cannot guarantee anyone I counsel th….
For me, going vegan was an ethical and environmental decision. I'm doing the right thing by the animals..
If the life-supporting ecosystems of the planet are to survive for future generations, the consumer society will have to dramatically curtail its use….