Truth is different from error in two respects: it is a little harder to prove and more difficult to admit..
DISABUSE, v.t. To present your neighbor with another and better error than the one which he has deemed advantageous to embrace..
There is only one inborn error. and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy..
We will gradually become indifferent to what goes on in the minds of other people when we acquire a knowledge of the superficial nature of their thou….
Donald Trump is the head of a global power..
I'm really not that confident!.
Medicine being a compendium of the successive and contradictory mistakes of medical practitioners, when we summon the wisest of them to our aid, the ….
Who thinks it just to be judged by a single error?.
If any sort of error is inexcusable, it's an incorrect phone number. One of the cardinal rules of copy editing is that every phone number published m….
The young suffer less from their own errors than from the cautiousness of the old..
Doing a background check is still a very manual process, because the government agencies that create the records are largely paper-based systems. I'm….
Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal..
I don't like things that aren't true..
How is error possible in mathematics?.
It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena. A small error in the former will produ….
Three causes especially have excited the discontent of mankind; and, by impelling us to seek remedies for the irremediable, have bewildered us in a m….
Error, by force of contrast, enhances the triumph of Truth..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it..
Truth is in all things, even partly, in error..
An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things..