Error is just as important a condition of life's progress as truth.
Interestingly, God's remedy for Elijah's depression was not a refresher course in theology but food and sleep... Before God spoke to him at all, Elij….
I don't think you'll ever have a perfect world because we humans are prone to error, and so we're always in search of an upgrade..
The man who cannot endure to have his errors and shortcomings brought to the surface and made known, but tries to hide them, is unfit to walk the hig….
In my judgment, a great mistake has been made by well meaning and zealous men, through treating error and infidelity with altogether too much respect..
I make movies for money, exclusively for money..
We didnt come out with any energy. We know were not good enough to let the game come to us. We have to come with high energy, play hard team basketba….
A Vulgar Mechanick can practice what he has been taught or seen done, but if he is in an error he knows not how to find it out and correct it, and if….
I plan to rearrange the alphabetical order because i think it has a very big error on the parts of the sequence of some letters. For example, I have ….
Complicity with error will take from the best of men the power to enter any successful protest against it..
The error is in the assumption that the General Government is a party to the constitutional compact. The States ... formed the compact, acting as sov….
It seems that truth is progressive approximation in which the relative fraction of our spontaneously tolerated residual error constantly diminishes..
Nature encourages no looseness; pardons no errors..
There are a few things that can be done only by experiencing them. Love is one of them. There is no way to learn it; you have to do it. And by tri….
The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakne….
We have prayed, we have coaxed, we have begged, for the vote, with the hope that men, out of chivalry, would bestow equal rights upon women and take ….
To let them share in the highest offices is to take a risk; inevitably, their unjust standards will cause them to commit injustice, and their lack of….
There are infinite possibilities of error, and more cranks take up fashionable untruths than unfashionable truths..
Do not fall into the error of the artist who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft while in fact he has had only one year of experience - tw….
He who shuts out truth, by the same act opens the door to all the error that supplies its place..
We know that virtue does not matter to history, and that crimes remain unpunished; but that every error had its consequences and venges itself unto t….