I still believe in the power of forgiveness. I believe in the power of redemption. Today I manned up and tried to accept responsibility for the error….
There cannot always be fresh fields of conquest by the knife; there must be portions of the human frame that will ever remain sacred from its intrusi….
In obedience to the feeling of reality, we shall insist that, in the analysis of propositions, nothing "unreal" is to be admitted. But, after all, if….
All of us benefit from remembering our past. A people which remembers does not repeat past errors; instead, it looks with confidence to the challenge….
The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as w….
To dissociate the child from love is, for our species, a methodological error: contraception, which is to make love without making a child; artificia….
He soon felt that the fulfillment of his desires gave him only one grain of the mountain of happiness he had expected. This fulfillment showed him th….
When I look at my life I realise that the mistakes I have made, the things I really regret, were not errors of judgement but failures of feeling..
Who ever heard a theologian preface his creed, or a politician conclude his speech with an estimate of the probable error of his opinion?.
About the prophecy that Rachel did at the end of "The Last Olympian," Percy Jackson will participate this prophecy, along with Annabeth? Sorry for sp….
Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new errors to commit?.
None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error..
The heart errs like the head; its errors are not any the less fatal, and we have more trouble getting free of them because of their sweetness..
All error, not merely verbal, is a strong way of stating that the current truth is incomplete..
Be the best. No negativity. No weakness. No acquiescence to fear or disaster. No errors of ignorance. No evasion to reality.
A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and vice. The vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plun….
Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is actually no truth to be discovered; there is only error to be exposed..
Custom is often only the antiquity of error..
Yet the most pervasive error one encounters in contemporary arguments about belief in God-especially, but not exclusively, on the atheist side-is the….
All errors are just ordinary, what extraordinary sin can you commit? All the sins have been committed already. You cannot find a new sin - it is very….
To the labor of man alone Smith ascribes the power of producing values. This is an error. A more exact analysis demonstrates... that all the values a….