I see and approve better things, but follow worse..
We don't have anything planned, so nothing can go wrong..
The child taught to believe any occurrence a good or evil omen, or any day of the week lucky, hath a wide inroad made upon the soundness of his under….
I don't enter, I'm entered. It's up to someone else. It's up to them..
We considered behaving, but it's against our nature..
Before you invest in something, invest the time to understand it.
To do wrong is the greatest of evils..
I am so not technically proficient at all..
To see things as they really were--what an empoverishment!.
Evil: That which one believes of others. It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.
I just find something to learn in everything..
Religion taught us to return good for evil..
It is because good is always stronger than evil. Always remember that, Antonio. The smallest bit of good can stand against all the powers of evil in ….
Although I don't take myself very seriously, I do take my work extraordinarily seriously..
Women destroy me. I allow them to..
You have to do what you fear, otherwise fear is in charge..
I'm pretty confident..
I am open to everything..
To me, it's always a joy to create music no matter what it takes to actually get there. The real evils are always whatever stops you from doing that ….
You can choose not to be interested in politics, but you can’t choose to be unaffected by it.
Pride is a fruitful source of uneasiness. It keeps the mind in disquiet. Humility is the antidote to this evil..