I've always said it takes more courage to stand back there and throw a ball knowing you're fixing to get drilled than anything I can think of in foot….
The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence..
First become a winner in life. Then it's easier to become a winner on the field..
Football is to Texas what religion is to a priest..
When you want to win a game, you have to teach. When you lose a game, you have to learn..
Football is unconditional love..
Javier Chevanton don't speak the language too good..
I didn't realise you could travel so far and still be in England..
One reason I won't compromise is because I believe honesty helps you win over the long haul. You can win a game tomorrow and lose a team. You can los….
Bobby Robson must be thinking of throwing some fresh legs on..
Arsenal are streets ahead of everyone in this league and Manchester United are up there with them..
Is this good for English football? In the short run, Chelsea's rise has broken up what was turning into an irritating Arsenal-Manchester United duopo….
It is customary for columnists to complain about the excesses of Premiership footballers, whenever - as happens regularly - there is an incident invo….
There are those who condemn five in midfield as a negative tactic, but when a side's centre-backs are as hapless as Chris Perry and Hermann Hreidarss….
I'd rather play lacrosse six days a week and football on the seventh..
Winning the Championship is like taking a 26-year ball and chain from around our legs. Now we can go forward, and hopefully dominate English football….
If I ever wear a Chelsea shirt, you have permission to kill me..
Did you used to play for Barcelona? Because that's not Barcelona football..
That's where the challenge has been. Balancing football and life. Trying not to replay every play in my head while I'm with my family. Sometimes, I'v….
When I went to Catholic high school in Philadelphia, we just had one coach for football and basketball. He took all of us who turned out and had us r….
I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet..