Measuring national prestige by gold medals is like using Viagra to judge the potency of a man..
Kisses are but like sands of gold and silver, found upon the ground which are not worth much themselves but as they promise a mine near too be dig'd..
He who controls the fools gold, controls the fools..
I would not be at all surprised to find that it was for gold that Cain committed the first murder. (It happened a very long time ago, and Holy Writ, ….
I covet honour in the same way as a miser covets gold..
At 11, I could say ‘I am sodium’ (Element 11), and now at 79, I am gold..
A gold standard doesn't imply stability in the prices of the goods and services that people buy every day, it implies a stability in the price of gol….
Kitsch is the most pernicious of all prisons. The bars are covered with the gold of simplistic, unreal feelings, so that you take them for the pillar….
Walk the lines of nature's palm crossed with silver and with gold..
Nobody really understands gold prices and I don't pretend to understand them either..
When paper money systems begin to crack at the seams, the run to gold could be explosive..
Economic theory has nothing to say as to what commodity will acquire the status of money. Historically, it happened to be gold. But if the physical m….
Real estate is the closest thing to the proverbial pot of gold..
Nature also forges man, now a gold man, now a silver man, now a fig man, now a bean man..
Gold is money and nothing else..
The lure of the past came up to grab me. To see a dagger slowly appearing, with its gold glint, through the sand was romantic. The carefulness of lif….
You know, I don’t get why Fred and George only got three O.W.L.s each,” said Harry, watching as Fred, George, and Lee collected gold from the eager c….
Gold and silver from the dead turn often into lead..
Gold has at all times been considered the best of testimonies of good faith..
The gold standard, in one form or another, will prevail long after the present rash of national fiats is forgotten or remembered only in currency mus….
...there seems to be a correlation between the intensity of the official attacks on gold and the severity of monetary crises..