Is it thy will that I should wax and wane, Barter my cloth of gold for hodden grey, And at thy pleasure weave that web of pain Whose brightest thr….
Everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold.
Gold will buy the highest honours; and gold will purchase love..
The sky outside the window was changing rapidly from deep, velvety blue to cold, steely gray and then, slowly, to pink shot with gold..
Gold and silver grow, and so does every other kind of metal, the same as the hair upon my head, or the wheat in the field; they do not grow as fast, ….
A writer who has never explored words, who has never searched, seeded, sieved, sifted through his knowledge and memory...dictiona ries, thesaurus, po….
This discipline and rough treatment are a furnace to extract the silver from the dross. This testing purifies the gold by boiling the scum away..
I've spent, I think, close to the last decade effortlessly and magically converting your tin cans into pure gold..
What is Fortune, what is Fame? Futile gold and phantom name- Riches buried in a cave, Glory written on a grave..
As his colleagues have noted in their tribute to him, it was typical of Leo Ryan's concern for his constituents that he would investigate personally ….
I also have in mind that seemingly wealthy, but most terribly impoverished class of all, who have accumulated dross, but know not how to use it, or g….
Today is truly the Golden Age: gold buys hornor, gold procures love.
The truth is obtained like gold, not by letting it grow bigger, but by washing off from it everything that isn't gold.
What the two hands of the labourer can achieve, the capitalist will never get with all his gold and silver..
To shipbrokers, coal was black gold..
But if you had asked him what his work was, he would look candidly and openly at you with his large bright eyes through his gold pincenez, and would ….
The greatest stock market you can invest in is yourself. Finding this truth is better than finding a gold mine..
Count art by gold, and it fetters the feet it once winged..
Gold is the most precious of all commodities; gold constitutes treasure, and he who possesses it has all he needs in the world, as also the means of ….
He who has gold makes and accomplishes whatever he wishes in the world and finally uses it to send souls to paradise..
Welcome to the age of paper money, where governments and central banks can manufacture as much money as they want without limit. Gold was the last l….