The world, Govinda my friend, is not imperfect, not to be seen as on a slow path toward perfection: No, it is perfect in every moment, all transgress….
Are you wiser in God (now) than you were last year at this time? Peter says we're to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ..
In vowing ourselves to one another, we are entitled to stand before the Almighty and ask Him for His grace and His blessing..
Grace is not a theology. It is not a subject matter. It is not a doctrine. It is a person, and his name is Jesus. That's the reason the Lord wants yo….
As she watched him she understood the quality of his beauty. How his labor had shaped him. How the wood he fashioned had fashioned him. Each plank he….
Humanism and Divinity are as complementary to one another in theorder of culture, as are Nature and Grace in the order of being..
Believing in grace is one thing. Living it is another..
Our work is not to save souls, but to disciple them. Salvation and sanctification are the work of God's sovereign grace, and our work as His disciple….
A coquette is a young lady of more beauty than sense, more accomplishments than learning, more charms not person than graces of mind, more admirers t….
The pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter, it will go away when you learn to accept life's challenges with grace and ease.
Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave 'til it gets to shore. You need more help than you know..
We cannot get grace from gadgets..
Humor helps us get through life with a modicum of grace. It offers one of the few benign ways of coping with the absurdity of it all..
Vision is an important part of being a good editor, but so is teamwork and grace..
The richest grace of ahimsa will descend easily upon the owner of hard discipline..
We respond to healing grace by giving it away..
I realize how desperately I need grace, therefore I try to lavishly give it..
You snuck up on me,” she said. “I guess I’m not much of a Shadowhunter, huh?” Simon shrugged. “Well, in your defense, I do move with a silent, panthe….
Limp along until your legs are spent, and you fall flat and your energy is drained. Then the grace of the Divine will lift you..
Those graces which from their presumed facility encourage all to attempt an imitation of them, are usually the most inimitable..
... the core problem with Christians communicating faith: we do not always do so in love. That is an indispensable point to presenting faith in a gra….