We all have to meet our match sometime or other..
My husband is the cook at our house. I can make dessert and salad, but I stay away from meals. He makes amazing omelets, fish, and grilled vegetables….
Life is about coming back and mastering how to come back..
We had 10 months, sliding schedule to do 52 episodes. After you get over the shock of the size of the number, the job became one of expansion..
Show me a husband who keeps his thoughts to himself, and I will show you a frustrated wife..
Great men don't nessarily make good husbands..
Find out what you do best, and then don't do it..
And I love Evander Holyfield to death!.
Dont let your fear paralyze you. Prepare yourself not only technically, but also emotionally..
The closer a husband and wife get to God, the closer they get to each other. The farther away they get from God, the farther they get from each other..
We were all Romans once, I guess..
In every bed you will find four persons sleeping together. It is very rare to find a double bed, because then four persons are there overcrowding it.….
I am everyone I have ever loved..
How often you are irresistibly drawn to a plain, unassuming woman, whose soft silvery tones render her positively attractive! In the social circle, h….
When you observe rather than react, you reclaim your power..
I put in my list all the busy, useful independent spinsters I know, for liberty is a better husband than love to many of us..
I am a woman who is a granddaughter of a lady who used to be beaten on the head by her husband, of a mother who went through hell because she was div….
...she refused to leave anything to someone else that she could do better herself..
Do I Stank or was it already Stanky in Here?.
They're not just interested in one sort of music any more..
When we play on big stages, we tend to beef off the dance side of things and keep up the tempo..