If you read, you'll judge..
If someone is very hungry, the Angkar will take him where he will be stuffed with food..
If you love the truth, you can remember it..
If you see bigotry, oppose it..
If we have to go to war, we will..
If it Captures Your Imagination, it will captivate others..
If I'm going to burn, it might as well be bright..
Women need not take up with mean things, since (if they are not wanting to themselves) they are capable of the best..
We're goin bowling. If we don't come back, avenge our deaths..
Brother, if you want to get the lowdown, Come along and let's all have a hoedown..
It is costly wisdom that is brought by experience..
If the script grabs me and appeals to me, I'm really very keen to work on it..
I decided that if my work contained what I could identify as a likeness to other work, I would remove it..
I'm quite sexy - if you like gingers..
If I don't understand it, it must be art..
Attack if you can attack, defend if you can't attack, flee if you can't defend, surrender if you can't flee, die if you can't surrender!.
If I was ever a teen idol, I’d kill myself..
If I simply do what I've always done, it's never failed me..
It's as if when I open myself up to every perception, things create their own focus..
"With this same key Shakespeare unlocked his heart" once more! Did Shakespeare? If so, the less Shakespeare he!.
People can only be free if they are truly educated..