After all, it's woman, who decide, if a man is desirable or undesirable..
Anyone can desire anything, but if you're not going to commit, you're not getting it..
Those who say they would write a book if only they had time will never become authors..
Its easy to make frends if you let pepul laff at you..
I don't believe in being typecast. If I believed it, it probably would have happened to me. You attract what you make..
I'm the C.E.O., nominated by the shareholders. If they're not happy, I have to take the consequences..
If I have to lose, although I am a woman, I want to lose in a manly way..
Even if I were traveling with you, your trip would not be mine..
If it were not for the presents, an elopement would be preferable..
If you really think you're right, you should tell it..
If I eat, I can't work. I'll eat when I'm dead..
He says every story has at least some truth in it, even if most are made up..
Some woman are more interested in what they look like than what they are. If they more interested in what they are, they would look better..
If we can't face it, God can't fix it..
Would your city weep if your church did not exist?.
If our god's work is to be done in our time, we must do it ourselves..
If you do your work, eventually there will be a spark. A fire. A blaze..
I don't like to share my personal life... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it..
The downside is, if somebody doesn't like it, then it's like "oh my god, ok its really your fault.".
If you are a really good marathoner, you have to run New York..
If your friends never make you uncomfortable. You don't have friends. You have fans..