If Anthony Johnson ever gets a jumper, who's going to stop him?.
You can't go voicing something if it's just not right..
If you're wrong in the way you're right, you're wrong even if you're right..
I'd be flattered if someone said that my work is "too weird" for them. I value the uncompliment..
I don't really like wearing bikinis. And if you don't either, don't make yourself..
If you're unhappy, what is it in your life that you're not facing?.
If you stay up, you get the songs that everyone else misses because they're asleep..
Surfing is my religion, if I have one..
If you don’t have a struggle inside or around you, you have to make one up..
If you're doing something that people want, they'll find you..
You're playing or you're not playing. If you're playing, so just shut up and play..
Probably I'll not be so successful if I will keep everything in myself inside of me..
If I weren't a Jew then I wouldn't be an artist, or at least not the one I am now..
We are saved from nothing if we are not saved from sin..
If I had my life to live over, I'd have spent more hours in worship..
There must be something between us, even if it's only an ocean..
If you want a happy ending you have to go out and take it..
I don't steer towards anything. I steer towards character and truth. If it's funny then so be it. If it's dramatic, so be it. I just steer towards ch….
if it is thus, I ask emphatically whence comes this thusness..
If you're not gonna tell the truth, then why start talking?.
You just have to decide if you're a Tigger or an Eeyore..