The dew, 'Tis of the tears which stars weep, sweet with joy..
[from a reader] I hope she learns to look for the joy in life instead of picking out negatives - it will change her life for the better..
There is nothing dreary or doubtful about (the life). It is meant to be continually joyful...We are called to a settled happiness in the Lord whose j….
When you die, you graduate. I don't worry about death. Sickness teaches there is joy in everything. Take joy in your sickness because a lot of times ….
Now, what is Jesus Christ? The fruit of the spirit is a good example. Jesus is total love, total joy, total peace, total patient, gentleness, goodnes….
I learned you pay for your happiness. That's why I don't expect to be happy all the time. I'd rather be surprised by one moment every so often to rem….
Life is a mirror. You get what you see. If you project anger into the mirror, that is what you get back. If you project joy into the mirror, it refle….
The airplane is just a bunch of sticks and wires and cloth, a tool for learning about the sky and about what kind of person I am, when I fly. An airp….
The adoring crowds and overwhelming Democratic support in the 2008 election was based largely on joy at jettisoning Bush and the appeal of electing a….
He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy. [for without sorrow how would you know what joy is? Contrast provides peceptive clarity].
This is what I want everyone to experience at the end of my concert... everyone has this sense of rejoicing. I don't want them to be blown away b….
Although a lot can be learned from adversity, most of the same lessons can be learned through laughter and joy..
Mystical bliss, joy and rapture are part of both yoga and vipassana. When the mind is concentrated, purified, bright, unblemished, free from defects,….
To me, it's our job as artists. You must bring joy..
From joy I came, for joy I live, in sacred joy I melt..
Oh, if only the suffering soul knew how it is loved by God, it would die of joy and excess of happiness! Some day, we will know the value of sufferin….
Ideally, I would create a book so interdependent and self-sustaining in its parts, so wondrously connected word by word and paragraph by paragraph, s….
Joy is hidden in sorrow and sorrow in joy. If we try to avoid sorrow at all costs, we may never taste joy, and if we are suspicious of ecstasy, agony….
Where do I begin? I loved working with Kate Hepburn, which was one of the highlights of my life; Working with Richard Burton in Beckett was another g….
Happiness, laughter and joy abound, when friends, family, and lovers are around..
It takes courage to reinvent joys, to reinvent opportunities, to reinvent dreams, to reinvent connections, to reinvent hopes that you have set aside..