I made a tentative conclusion. It seemed from all of this that uppermost among human joys is the negative one of restoration: not going to the stars,….
The secret of fortune is joy in our hands..
And joy is always a promise..
Over-anxiety ultimately banishes every trace of joy from life..
The horse must perform from joy, not subservience. Praising a horse frequently with voice, a gentle pat, or relaxing the reins is very important to k….
We're always experiencing joy or sadness. But there are lots of people who've closed down. And there are times in one's life when one has to close do….
Joy cannot be pursued. It comes from within. It is a state of being. It does not depend on circumstances, but triumphs over circumstances. It produce….
The greatest enemy of ordinary daily goodness and joy is not imperfection, but the demand for some supposed perfection or order..
Every day is a great day to give love, spread joy, and SPARKLE!.
I see the joy in life and I see the joy in simple things. I over-compliment. I over-praise. I over-express my feelings toward people because I never ….
My work gives me a sense of purpose that I never really had before - it gives me a lot of joy, and it would be wonderful to invite other people to ge….
Belgium is modernizing itself and it gives me joy..
Reflect on death as in Jesus Christ, not as without Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ it is dreadful, it is alarming, it is the terror of nature. In….
Life is a gift, not to possess, but to share..
Struggle so that all may live this rich, overflowing life. And be sure that in this struggle you will find a joy greater than anything else can give..
Poetry, at least the kind I write, is written out of immediate need; it is written out of pain, joy, and experience too great to be borne until it is….
Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow..
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. Some of you sa….
Meadowlark and I share a common vision of bringing joy and laughter to others..
Joy is the serious business of heaven. Our merriment must be between people who take each other seriously..
Words can not express the joy of new life..