Each investigation team has a lawyer attached to it and there was a lawyer attached to me and my assistant..
If you're a full-time manager of your own property - and full-time, according to Congress, is 15 hours a week - you can take unlimited depreciation a….
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
A good lawyer is a bad Christian..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can..
I'm not sure I can say there is a clean line between me as an individual and me as a lawyer..
When you're an agent or a lawyer; its about service, not for yourself, but for your clients.
What can go wrong will go wrong..
Every lawyer of experience comes to know (more or less unconsciously) that in the great majority of cases, the precedents are none too good as bases ….
Shakespeare said, "Kill all the lawyers." There were no agents then..
I'd probably say to my younger self, get yourself a whole collection of lawyers. Which is what I have now. I don't have any friends; I just have lawy….
Well, I really don't want to be a high-powered corporate lawyer. I'm really passionate about painting..
My family are not sporty - they are all doctors or lawyers..
Maybe we can change some kid's life & stop him from becoming a welder or a sleazy lawyer..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
I wanted to be a lawyer. I love that job; I dont know why..
The office of the lawyer ... is too delicate, personal and confident to be occupied by a corporation..
How many times have I laughed at you telling me plainly that I was too lazy to be anything but a lawyer..
The only difference between a dead skunk lying in the road and a dead lawyer lying in the road is that there are skid marks around the skunk..