I don't think being a lawyer is more or less valuable than being a writer..
Don't go to the doctor with every distemper, nor to the lawyer with every quarrel, nor to the pot for every thirst..
Then came the churches, then came the schools, then came the lawyers, then came the rules..
lawyers never go to law, do they? They know better..
Do things that make you happy within the confines of the legal system..
The kind of lawyer you hope the other fellow has..
I played a lawyer in a movie so many times I think I am a lawyer. And clearly I'm not a lawyer, because I got arrested..
Love has no place in a lawyer's office..
The older I get, the more interesting I find lawyers and accountants..
I would've liked to have been a better businessman when I was younger. And of course, I couldn't, because it wasn't part of my atmosphere. I never li….
I didn't save my money for a lawyer. I was a very young man, and saved my money for having a good time..
A lawyer's time and advice are his(her) stock in trade..
I'll never be that trusting again, believing accountants and lawyers have my best interests at heart..
The question arises whether all lawyers are the same. This is like asking whether everything that gets into a sewer is garbage..
Well, I don't know as I want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do. I hire him to tell how to do what I want to do..
When I was a young lawyer, working women wore hats. It was the only way they would take you seriously..
I'm trusting in the Lord and a good lawyer..
If there is any truth to the old proverb that "one who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client," the Court now bestows a constitutional right on on….
Putin is very much afraid of leaving. Because he is formally right now in his first term, so has another eight years from now. Legally, he has create….
In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls..
Lawyers are very, very good at keeping you out of prison, but they will sacrifice your reputation and credibility to do so..