Love touched her heart, and lo! It beats high, and burns with such brave hearts..
To speak of love is to make love..
For we must share, if we would keep, that blessing from above; ceasing to give, we cease to have; such is the law of love..
Civilization is a failure. We need to think what we can do together in love and peace..
The knowledgeable person lives with a question mark '?' and the man of awe and wonder lives with an exclamation mark..
This is a place for ordinary human compassion of the kind that is reconciling..
I tend to like things that already exist..
I don't like things that aren't true..
I prithee send me back my heart, Since I cannot have thine; For if from yours you will not part, Why, then, shouldst thou have mine?.
A woman findeth in her last lover much of her first love; but a man seeth his next-to-the-last love, alway..
Love endeth like the chianti flask, its drops are bitter..
... divine love is not something belonging to God: it is God Himself..
Love without trust is a river without water..
Hate nobody; love everybody. It won't cost you anything. Love never costs anything. Love is the most selfish act. It gives you so much protection, gr….
Love is nothing but giving, tolerating and sacrificing..
You want to know about a good man? Man is the one who can carry the home and the family and have the strength to keep that weight going; woman is tha….
Many things you are already practicing; but you practice them under fear. But if you practice them under love they become Divine..
Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, ma….
What Daniel taketh away, Daniel giveth..
It is not possible to live in today's society without a cozy home. What is a cozy home? A cozy home is a place where there is a unity in all those wh….
Nothing more excites to everything noble and generous, than virtuous love..