Many things you are already practicing; but you practice them under fear. But if you practice them under love they become Divine..
Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, ma….
What Daniel taketh away, Daniel giveth..
It is not possible to live in today's society without a cozy home. What is a cozy home? A cozy home is a place where there is a unity in all those wh….
Nothing more excites to everything noble and generous, than virtuous love..
I believe love produces a certain flowering of the whole personality which nothing else can achieve..
Love knows no pain, no sacrifice is too much for it; it is an absolute one-pointed state of mind toward the well-being of the other person who is cal….
If love could be purchased, everybody would have paid a thousand dollars a pound for it. You know it doesn't work that way..
What I am is how I came out. No one's perfect and you just have to accept your flaws and learn to love yourself..
You must be much WITH God before you can be much FOR God..
Yes, we'll have to put a stop to this bookworming. No future in that..
Who's your soul's mate? Consciousness. Soul is your conscious mate. Guru keeps you conscious..
That which comes slow comes solid..
Physical love must end up as a creative love. And creative love must end up as a divine love. And divine love must end up as a unison love. And uniso….
Do you know what love is? It is the most beautiful, comprehensive, divine, pranic energy given to you by God, which you should have experienced. But ….
A cozy home is not just a sixty-five thousand dollar house bought from Bank of America. A cozy home is a total consciousness of the two individuals w….
This grossness, physical love, which is actually the biological cooling system, is very essential. The prana feeds the tattvas and the tattvas create….
I love painting and music, of course. I don't know nearly as much about them as I know about poetry. I've certainly been influenced by fiction. I was….
Time and space cannot play any part between two loving hearts..
Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?.
I am surprised how difficult for people is to say "I love you". They only say the three magic words when they are sure they will hear "I love you too….