It was always 'Cher', I never thought of myself as anything but 'Cher'..
Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good..
Utiliza el nombre correcto para las cosas. El miedo a un nombre aumenta el miedo a la cosa que se nombra..
I don't want death to suddenly interrupt what I'm doing. I don't like the idea of death at all..
What you see from here is not what you see from there..
Er-my-nee," Ron croaked unexpectedly from between them..
Beauty and wisdom are rarely conjoined..
Yes. I've been asked to pose nude, but I never have, and I probably never will..
I have always been Fred Durst and I've always been me..
I rather like the idea of defying death..
I have respected women from the beginning of my life..
[G]lobal warming, that manufactured monomania..
Paranoids are the only ones who notice things anymore..
I never worked with a stinker. How great is that!.
Courage doesn't always roar..
You can get to everywhere from almost anywhere..
I am not a Hemingway aficionado..
What Daniel taketh away, Daniel giveth..
Reegan scowled at Cath. "Are you Zack, or are you Cody?"..
I tell it like it is. I tell it like I see it. I tell it like I envision it. I tell it like I live it..
I got no time for the jibba-jabba..