If you need to bring in a business partner, make sure your partner brings along some money..
But sticking to rules just because they're there does not make them right. You need to learn when the rules should be broken..
I am more than happy at Blackpool and I am afraid the chairman will need a hell of a tub of cream to get rid of me - I'm like a bad rash and not easi….
No one needs to feel sorry for me or anyone else who has fallen victim to success..
the fastest-growing brand of religion is of the magical 'name it and claim it' variety, in which the deity exists only to meet one's immediate, self-….
The international community must offer short-term emergency measures to meet critical needs. But it must also make longer-term investments to promote….
Regardless of what you want to call it, guys need some type of spirituality they can grab onto. If it's Christianity, which is a very structured appr….
I don't feel like myself unless I run. It's how I deal with sadness and happiness. I need it. It's like therapy..
If it's racist, it's racist. If it's anti-Semitic, it's anti-Semitic. If it's anti-women, it's anti-women. If it's anti-immigrant, it's anti-immigran….
We don't need a nation that has national identity cards..
Day by day we are given not what we want but what we need. Sometimes it is a feast and sometimes...swept crumbs, but by faith we believe it is enough..
Getting an idea for a book is not the problem, but you need 300 ideas - an idea a page..
You don't need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight..
I need words and print... I need print like an addict. I could live without it, perhaps. But I hope I never have to try..
You don't need an introduction to succeed in life. You need to have good work. Work hard. Believe in yourself.
I need to keep reinventing myself..
Speaks well of a man to need a little something in this world. I wouldn't trust a man who could git through it cold sober..
Before I could cry or scream I whirled around and stalked to my bedroom,slamming the door behind me. I hope they all drown. "Zoey your mother and I n….
I enjoy just being me. I don't need to be Queen Latifah, the brand, 24 hours a day..
We are all human beings, part of the human race, and we need to be compassionate and giving and kind with one another..
I have so many great things going on in my life that I don't need to pay attention to some writer..