You don't need planning permission to build castles in the sky.
Sometimes players need to gain time on the clock by repeating the position, but most often its purpose is to wear down the opponent psychologically..
The world needs ditch diggers, too..
We do not need an atomic bomb. The Iranian nation is wise. It won't build two atomic bombs while you have 20,000 warheads..
The main thing in my that I really need to go home and practice..
Solar power is clean, renewable and cost effective, but it also needs time to develop..
The best a health care system can do is to equip itself to meet the needs of each individual woman and birth. Those needs run the gamut from undistur….
Misery needs your conspiracy; it needs your help. Without your resistance misery cannot survive..
I don't see much point in doing things for a pure joke. Every now and then you need a joke, but not so much as the people who spend all their lives c….
Maybe every two films you need to do documentary to tell what you really want to tell and not be limited by the medium. With documentary you don't cr….
People today are in danger of drowning in information; but, because they have been taught that information is useful, they are more willing to drown ….
As he passed me, he leaned to Curran and handed him a paper fan folded from some sort of flyer. Curran looked at the fan. “What?” "An emergency preca….
Given that evolution is a fact, this lack of evolution needs to be explained..
I can't think that it would be terrible of me to say - and it is occasionally true - that I need physics more than friends..
When you're a caregiver, you need to realize that you've got to take care of yourself, because, not only are you going to have to rise to the occasio….
Keeping up with everything I do requires some sacrifices, but once and a while I need to take some time to myself..
I fear no secret of a person I trust, and he has no need to fear mine. It is part of being friends..
It's the secret to happiness, you know. Only take what you need..
We need statutory spending limits written into law..
We need to strengthen Asian diplomacy..
The cookie maker needs someone to look out for him..