Through the opened heart, the world comes rushing in, the way oceans fill the smallest hole along the shore. It is the quietest sort of miracle: by s….
You ever hear guys with small cocks talk about sex? Can't talk about it enough. They even got poems. They'll say, 'It's not the motion of the ocean, ….
Everyone is an ocean inside. Every individual walking the street. Everyone is a universe of thoughts, and insights, and feelings. But every person is….
Coral reefs are under assault. They are rapidly being degraded by human activities. They are over-fished, bombed and poisoned. They are smothered by ….
And this sensitivity will create new friendships for you - friendships with trees, with birds, with animals, with mountains, with rivers, with oceans….
A third of summer sea ice in the Arctic is gone, the oceans are 30 percent more acidic, and since warm air holds more water vapor than cold, the atmo….
You don't do anything to further your stay aboard a ship that you see is going to go down to the bottom of the ocean..
Deep in the soul, below pain, below all the distraction of life, is a silence vast and grand - an infinite ocean of calm, which nothing can disturb; ….
I try to use photography to move people to action to save the wildlife in our beloved ocean..
If substantial methyl hydrate melt begins to occur in the Arctic Ocean basin, then the (carbon) accelerator will be jammed, and there will be nothing….
We rest here while we can, but we hear the ocean calling in our dreams, And we know by the morning, the wind will fill our sails to test the seams, ….
There is a law of neutralization of forces, which hinders bodies from sinking beyond a certain depth in the sea; but in the ocean of baseness, the de….
The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of the Earth is ocean...So this average ground temperature is a ficti….
One question that has always intrigued me is what happens to demonic beings when immigrants move from their homelands. Irish-Americans remember the f….
Swells, Marina? we ocean, depths, Marina? we sky!.
Sometimes you feel like a very small drop in this huge ocean..
Without sharks, you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain.
I'm a homebody, as many writers are, and need to be by myself, and I like to be by the Atlantic Ocean..
At present, the United States, with over 700 foreign military bases, navies in every ocean, a programme to militarise space, and drone bases planned ….
A few years hence and he will be beneath the sod; but those cliffs will stand, as now, facing the ocean, incessantly lashed by its waves, yet unshake….
On the top of these mile thick slabs of ice the water is percolating quickly to the base and greasing the skids, as it were, for the slide of that ic….