Germany's greatness makes it impossible for her to do without the ocean, but the ocean also proves that even in the distance, and on its farther side….
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever..
When one looks at the ocean, they can only see that part of it which comes within their range of vision; so it is with the truth..
Most people have made this mistake of thinking Middle-earth is a particular kind of earth or is another planet of the science fiction sort but it's j….
I was happy anywhere I could see the ocean..
Just think of any negativity that comes to you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss. You may not always have an ocean of bliss, but thi….
Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on ….
Eventually man, too, found his way back to the sea. Standing on its shores, he must have looked out upon it with wonder and curiosity, compounded wit….
EBay may be a shark in the ocean, but I'm a crocodile in the Yangtze River. If we fight in the ocean, we lose, but if we fight in the river, we win..
The past is buried deep within the ground in Rabat, although the ancient walls in the old city are still standing, painted in electrifying variations….
If you should take the human heart and listen to it, it would be like listening to a sea-shell; you would hear in it the hollow murmur of the infinit….
I'm a big believer in trying to challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. I was petrified of sharks in the ocean so….
Take the case of the infinite ocean. There is no limit to its water. Suppose a pot is immersed in it: there is water both inside and outside the pot.….
The magnetic needle always points to the north, and hence it is that sailing vessel does not lose her direction. So long as the heart of man is direc….
The ocean does something to me that is unexplainable. Just being out there and realizing im alive..
The grace of the Guru is like an ocean. If one comes with a cup he will only get a cupful. It is no use complaining of the niggardliness of the ocean….
We follow and race In shifting chase, Over the boundless ocean-space! Who hath beheld when the race begun? Who shall behold it run?.
Much more of the brain is devoted to movement than to language. Language is only a little thing sitting on top of this huge ocean of movement..
The voice of the sea speaks to the soul..
When you were alone in the rising ocean, you grabbed whatever raft passed by..
Some people like being a big fish in a small pond, others a ferocious shark in the ocean, I rather be the ocean. In the end, fish die..