Unless we are able to evolve a spirit of mutual tolerance for diametrically opposite views, non co-operation is an impossibility..
Certain people are like 'Oh, here come the Feminazis!' You end up acting 10 times nicer than you even need to be, to be the opposite of the stereotyp….
You can't get back to power by defining your project in negative terms. But it helps to have somebody in office who represents the opposite of what y….
The same is the case with those opinions of man to which he has been accustomed from his youth; he likes them, defends them, and shuns the opposite v….
Indiscriminate tolerance and indiscriminate condemnation are not two opposites: they are two variants of the same evasion..
Failure is not the opposite to success, it's a stepping stone to success. If our primary goal is to be approved of, then we are not going to take ris….
Woman must come of age by herself. This is the essence of 'coming of age'-to learn how to stand alone. She must learn not to depend on another, nor t….
It is the active exercise of our faculties in conformity with virtue that causes happiness, and the opposite activities its opposite..
A lot of narrative films leave you no space for anything else but eating popcorn. I want to go in the complete opposite direction. I have to evacuate….
Prosperity is the opposite of greedy..
My political position springs from my being a novelist. In so far as I am concerned, politics and the novel are an indivisible case and I can categor….
I make movies for money, exclusively for money..
There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Anytime anybody tells me the trend is such and such, I go the opposite direction. I hate the idea of trends. I….
We ought to be able to persuade on opposite sides of a question; as also we ought in the case of arguing by syllogism: not that we should practice bo….
The most inspiring drummer for me is Stewart Copeland from The Police. The Police are the first band I can remember really liking, and Copeland is a ….
Words are such uncertain things, they so often sound well but mean the opposite of what one thinks they do..
Bidding the wizard farewell, he turned to his daughter, who held up her finger and said, “Daddy, look — one of the gnomes actually bit me!” “How wond….
The excessive increase of anything causes a reaction in the opposite direction..
Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well..
Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society..
Literature is the opposite of a nuclear bomb..