To play a repressed gay man, I had to explore what life was like in an era of sexual repression..
Dravid Could play attacking cricket like me but i could never play like him.
One of the reasons MSNBC is plummeting is that I, not long ago, refused to play any content from them. I figured, why? I mean, it's genuine depraved ….
I'd rather have ten people that want God than 10,000 people who want to play church..
The worst constructed play is a Bach fugue when compared to life..
I swim. I do a little bit of surfing. I would say I'm a beginner at surfing. I run. I cycle. I play a little bit of soccer..
It is impossible for forward play to be quite as safe as back play, because there must be a moment when the ball is out of sight..
You can do anything with children if you only play with them..
Badminton is like ballet dancing. It requires a lot of control, strength, mind play and measured movement.
As an actor, it's fun to play guys who aren't just locked into a male pattern, but a lot of guys you're asked to play are fairly macho and have a cer….
The play is a very simple idea really; someone needs some support and consolation, and she finds a place where she gets it..
A friend of mine is in a long-distance relationship. They have dates on Skype. They'll both watch the same movie
But at [soccer] tournaments you tend to see novel, unanticipated trends coming through, with everyone watching each other like hawks and immediately ….
It was shocking to see Nirvana play, because it was like, "Here's this little guy with a monster-guitar sound." And it was heavier than Black Sabbath….
People have said to me, 'You can't write songs. You can't play an instrument.' But I've got 10 gold records..
I've given offense by saying I'd as soon write free verse as play tennis with the net down..
What I have learned first and foremost is to follow your instincts. As a filmmaker, there are no rules as to how to play this game. That is a big pro….
It's a strange life... you really don't know how you will impact people or how things will play out..
I don't wanna play this kind of cartoon character anymore..
We have a guy from Switzerland who is just playing the game in a way I haven't seen anyone - and I mean anyone - play before. How fortunate we are to….
I learned to play guitar at a young age and converted poems and stuff that I had written to songs..