My advice is you've got to make sure you wear the clothes and not [let] the clothes wear you. It's quite simple in a way. Don't wear something you to….
Just wait and see this stuff play out as it does. But if, for example, why would he say some human activity linked to climate change when he has gone….
You're better off being a brick layer if you're going to play guitar than a sheet metal worker..
I want to play roles that I'm proud of, that I feel a certain integrity about, and I want to continue to be truthful in the work that I do..
I would love to play a British character one day. My accent wavers between Scottish and Irish very easily, though..
What good is sitting alone in your room? Come hear the music play; Life is a cabaret, old chum, Come to the cabaret..
Life may unfold chronologically for the body and for bureaucracies that keep track of such things as births, marriages, deaths, visas, tax returns, e….
With materialization in play you have magic in your fingers and you become the wizard..
There's only one thing we can control, and that is how hard we play..
The cards always look different when it's your turn to play them; loaded with subtly different possibilities..
Sometimes when I play that old six-string, I think about you, wonder what went wrong..
I've grown up watching Shah Rukh Khan and never really imagined that one day I will get to play the lead opposite him..
Isla [Fisher] is so pretty we were trying to decide who the hell should play against her that would intimidate her, and one day I said, "You know...t….
I played it for my bride, and one day you will play for yours..
We limit ourselves so much. And, we limit heaven too. We think it's a place where angels just play harps. And hell has to be fire and brimstone. But ….
You can never know about about your own destiny: are the people you meet there to play a part on your oun destiny, or do you exist just to play a rol….
It is easier for a rich person to act on their principles than it is for someone with fewer choices (which is why it is all the more disappointing wh….
F irst and foremost I am a drummer. After that, I'm other things... But I didn't play drums to make money. I played drums because I loved them... My ….
I'm used to writing something, it becomes a record, it comes out. Then I go perform and I play it and I get this immediate feedback from the audience….
I would argue that search has made the world a better place. It has done so for reasons that arbitrarily could completely change that - not arbitrari….
The problem is not the claycourt. The problem is, you know, rather something to do with the conditions on center court. Because I've played well on S….