I feel most myself when I'm reading, but by that I don't mean that I'm most comfortable when I'm reading. I feel most fully a person who's torn betwe….
Nelson's Mandela own sense of himself was a very humble reading, [different] from how the world read him. And, quite often, you had the sense that he….
I read books all the time, I'm always reading. I'm not like somebody that reads really fast or a lot or anything, but I always have a book that I'm r….
Everyone brings their own perceptions when reading a book about a real person. At the end they will take away whatever they wish..
Years ago I read an interview with Paula Fox in which she said that in writing, truth is just as important as story. Reading that interview was the f….
Reading and writing and the preservation of language and its forms and the kind of eloquence and the kind of beauty which the language is capable of ….
Poetry seems to sink into us the way prose doesn't. I can still quote verses I learned when I was very young, but I have trouble remembering one line….
People are interested in crime fiction when they're quite distanced from crime. People in Darfur are not reading murder mysteries..
It's not a love of poetry readings that attracts those who do come to them but theater..
In the best travel books the word alone is implied on every exciting page, as subtle and ineradicable as a watermark..
Keep evolving. Keep reading plays, doing plays, but also be sure to expand your horizons as much as possible. You only have yourself to bring to your….
So we start with an oversignifying reader. Those texts that appear to reward this reader for this additional investment - text that we find exception….
This capacity for oversignifying, for reading in, is precisely what poets tap into, both in their own practice and in the poem the give to the reader….
Reading, like writing, is a creative act. If readers only bring a narrow range of themselves to the book, then they'll only see their narrow range re….
Receiving, reading, researching, remembering, and reflecting on the Word of God are all useless if we fail to put what we learn into practice..
I'm writing a movie about Mozart going to New York in the '60s. I've been reading so many novels..
I have always been a reader; I have read at every stage of my life, and there has never been a time when reading was not my greatest joy.
I'll probably never produce a masterpiece, but so what? I feel I have a Sound aborning, which is my own, and that Sound if erratic is still my greate….
I couldn't imagine anyone ever reading a book enough to make it look like that. It looked like it had been driven over by a school bus after someone ….
You don't take a picture, you make a picture..
Libraries are the future of reading. When the economy is down, we need to make it easier for people to buy and read books for free, not harder. It is….