A writer writes a book. People read it. You don't know what they're reading, really. You read a review and think, "That is so inaccurate. You can't h….
Those of us who are blamed when old for reading childish books were blamed when children for reading books too old for us..
The author I wish I was reading right now and always is Nora Ephron. I love the humor, the awareness, the sense of self-deprecation. She is such a ro….
Writing a long essay is probably the most complex constructive act that most human beings areever expected to perform..
It's funny that I got to do 'On the Road' because the thing that had the biggest impact on me growing up was reading books. I was very inspired by th….
I've always liked stories. I'm always reading, ever since I was a kid. I've always been reading and wanting to be in some other world..
Girls are the best readers in the world. Reading is really a way of kind of escaping so deeply into yourself and pursuing your own thoughts within th….
I communicate much better with cats, usually. I know them and their body language - as my own cats know mine very well. Cats are adept at reading sub….
There's nothing wrong with reading a book you love over and over. When you do, the words get inside you, become a part of you, in a way that words in….
I still love when any editor today says, "it's so cool what you do", or "you inspired me". All these little things make you realize that people are r….
I'm a real geek. I love spending time researching a character and reading about them..
We do not truly own our thoughts or experiences until we have negotiated them with ourselvesand for this writing is the prime medium..
The high-minded definition of politics is: 'the art or science of government; the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental p….
OKAY. So I was going to the library every Saturday. So what? So what? It's not like I was reading books or anything..
I mean, the piano, of course, but I think the piano should be taught in school just like mathematics, just like reading, writing and arithmetic. I'd ….
I don't necessarily think I look to books for ideas, but sometimes when I'm in the process of reading a great book, I just think about it all of the ….
Well into the 19th century there were pronouncements from just about every branch of science and medicine that reading, writing, and thinking were da….
Philosophy is not a body of knowledge to impart to someone, that's why reading philosophy books isn't always the best way of learning philosophy. Phi….
The history of food has never had a better biographer. Required reading for anyone who eats..
I feel most myself when I'm reading, but by that I don't mean that I'm most comfortable when I'm reading. I feel most fully a person who's torn betwe….
Nelson's Mandela own sense of himself was a very humble reading, [different] from how the world read him. And, quite often, you had the sense that he….