Which is ideology? Which not? You shall know them by their assertion of truth, their contempt for considered reflection, and their fear of debate..
What are friends for? They are the ultimate reflection of yourself. Always surround yourself with people who inspire you and return the favor by givi….
He who reflects on another man's want of breeding, shows he wants it as much himself.
It's amazing, it's pumping, it's furious, it's anxious, it's happy and it's far more real than anything you'll ever experience in a Western city. Mor….
When I tell you not to marry without love, I do not advise you to marry for love alone: there are many, many other things to be considered. Keep both….
I looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror. Some lipstick would go with this truck, I thought..
Can that which has cost the artist days, weeks, months and even years of reflection be understood in a flash by a dilettante?.
Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real, and you're just a reflection of him?.
People soften by the forced reflection that comes with loss..
I learned capacity for self-reflection very early, finding it through interior monologues that books are so good at and that visual media is so bad a….
There is a subject - there is a research that says a man thinks about sex every 12 seconds. And so when an artist expresses something that's sexual i….
Love has this in common with scruples, that it becomes embittered by the reflections and the thoughts that beset us to free ourselves..
Mental reflection is so much more interesting than TV it's a shame more people don't switch over to it..
Let us, my dear contemporaries, arise above such narrow prejudices. If wisdom be desirable on its own account, if virtue, to deserve the name, must b….
When you look directly at an insane man all you see is a reflection of your own knowledge that he's insane, which is not to see him at all..
The way of Jesus cannot be imposed or mapped — it requires an active participation in following Jesus as he leads us through sometimes strange and un….
The idea is that of the earth not only becoming covered with myriad grains of thought, but becoming enclosed in a single thinking envelope so as to f….
Anything that you give your attention to will become your "truth"... The Law of attraction says that it must. Your life and everyone else's too is bu….
This means that the mind or spirit is present anywhere, because it is nowhere attached to any particular place. And it can remain present because, ev….
RATIONAL, adj. Devoid of all delusions save those of observation, experience and reflection..
I do a lot of reflection. I do. I spend a lot of time in reflection and contemplation. I guess the way the old mystics used to do. I don't do meditat….