Your life is a reflection of how you think.
I have less time, less tolerance for bullshit, more interest in good taste, more confidence in my own judgement. The culture with which I surround my….
I think it is a sad reflection on our civilization that while we can and do measure the temperature in the atmosphere of Venus we do not know what go….
Man can see his reflection in water only when he bends down close to it, and the heart of man, too, must lean down to the heart of his fellow; then i….
I think it's a reflection of the music business in general, which to me seems very fragmented..
Man is the individualised expression or reflection of God imaged forth and made manifest in bodily form. How is it, then, I hear it asked, that man h….
I always considered an idle Life, as a real evil, but, a life of such hurry, such constant hurry, leaves us scarcely a moment for reflection or for t….
Almost anyone who has ever attained any kind of public stature in his or her profession can expect sometimes to see a reflection in a cracked mirror..
My paintings are reflections of my own inner mysteries... they all reflect my relationship to my steadiest of companions and muses - nature and anima….
Marriage is like a series of opposing reflections, inverse images getting ever smaller like nesting dolls, each one of your trying to squeeze yoursel….
Every 36 seconds in America a woman lays her body down forced to choose abortion out of a lack of practical resources and emotional support. Abortion….
It is just a thing. Whether it is good or bad depends what you do with it. If you don't like what you are doing with it then it is simply a reflectio….
From a young age, [James Baldwin] was watching all those different films. He's watching John Wayne killing off the Indians. He came to the point that….
Now I'm a little hurt. Let me check my tears in the reflection of my championship gold..
Popular culture is simply a reflection of what the majority seems to want..
No matter what we have come through, or how many perils we have safely passed, or how many imperfect and jagged - in some places perhaps irreparably ….
Men seek for vocabularies that are reflections of reality. To this end, they must develop vocabularies that are selections of reality. And any select….
Do we regard language as more public, more ceremonial, than thought? Just as family men condemn the profanity on the stage that they use constantly i….
the art world has always been an unrelenting taste machine, but now flavors of the month have morphed into flavors of the minute. Again, all a reflec….
Historical romance is still very strong in the market. Writers of historical romance are making the bestselling lists on a regular basis and careers ….
There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl. So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life i….