Today begins a new saga in my life which I expect to strengthen me and allow me time for reflection... I plan to write music while in prison, read an….
It is good to be firm by temperament and pliant by reflection..
Each time I stop somewhere and look out, there are more people sitting there than there were the time I came before. I think that's just a reflection….
The Thames was all gold. God it was beautiful, so fine that I began working a frenzy, following the sun and its reflections on the water..
Critical reflection on practice is a requirement of the relationship between theory and practice. Otherwise theory becomes simply "blah, blah, blah, ….
Neither an enlightened philosophy, nor all the political wisdom of Rome, nor even the faith and virtue of the Christians availed against the incorrig….
I feel more meditative when I don't have a home. I like being put into a new place and making friends with people from a different culture, trying to….
I think it's harder to avoid reflection on those larger patterns of history or society when they so insistently call into question your right to exis….
Philip Kitcher has composed the most formidable defense of the secular view of life since Dewey. Unlike almost all of contemporary atheism, Life Afte….
Service is the overflow which pours from a life filled with love and devotion. But strictly speaking, there is no call to that. Service is what I bri….
There are shadows for the shadows of things, as a reflection seen in a mirror of a mirror. We know there are circles within circles and dimensions be….
Though I was standing in front of a mirror, I wasn't really seeing my reflection. I was seeing, very clearly, that—at the moment—I was all in the wor….
You are responsible for everything you post and everything you post will be a reflection of you. [Social Media].
Thinking is the great enemy of perfection. The habit of profound reflection, I am compelled to say, is the most pernicious of all the habits formed b….
The reflection and experience of many years have led me to consider the holy writings not only as the most authentic and instructive in themselves, b….
Those who made the decisions with imperfect knowledge will be judged in hindsight by those with considerably more information at their disposal and t….
No reflection was to be allowed now, not one glance was to be cast back; not even one forward. Not one thought was to be given either to the past or ….
I was unrecognizable to myself; I saw my reflection in a window; I didn't know my own face..
Men strengthen each other in their faults. Those who are alike associate together, repeat the things which all believe, defend and stimulate their co….
Theology is reflection, a critical attitude. The commitment of love, of service, comes first. Theology follows; it is the second step..
As a disabled man, let my life be a reflection of the endless amount of ability that exists in each and everyone of us..