You have cable?” He nodded toward her TV. She tossed him the clicker. “Sure do. And if I remember, there’s a Godzilla marathon on TBS tonight.” “Swee….
The Young Women's Christian Association is nourished by its roots in Christianity and, at the same time, over the years, it's been enriched by belief….
People can't see your root system, but God can. Praying and meditating on the Word of God will cause your roots to go down deep into His love..
I think that money is the root of all evil. I've seen it happen..
Wakening from the dreaming forest there, the hazel-sprig sang under my tongue, its drifting fragrance climbed up through my conscious mind as if sudd….
Perhaps, he thought, true pure love, like all flowers, flourished best with its roots in muck and mud. Perhaps that was a law of life that held every….
And so, when I was a young writer I always worked hard on imagery, and I knew that the roots of imagery were the senses - and that if my readers coul….
God the Father's a deep root; the Son's the shoot that breaks into the world; the Spirit spreads the beauty & fragrance.
One does not structure the church to meet the felt needs and desires of the tares. The purpose of corporate assembly, which has its roots in the Old ….
The other three incoming calls were from his building superintendent, his pharmacy and a telephone survey company." "Bastards. They always call durin….
The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual; and, exhibited in the lives of many, it constitutes the true source of n….
An illuminating read for every classical scholar engaged with the current quest for the subject's roots, and the excavation of the way that it has ev….
Outward attacks and troubles rather fix than unsettle the Christian, as tempests from without only serve to root the oak faster; while an inward cank….
I think the Flecktones are a mixture of acoustic and electronic music with a lot of roots in folk and bluegrass as well as funk and jazz..
An inequality of property is the root and foundation of innumerable evils; it tends to derision, and to keep asunder the social feelings that should ….
When I first started studying Greek, one of my absolute favorite parts was realizing that so many English words had these old, secret roots. Learning….
Paul spoke about the root of faith (Eph 2:8). James spoke about the fruit of faith (Jm 2:17-18)..
If a woman is not fit to manage the internal matters of a house, she is fit for nothing, and should never be put in a house or over a house, any way.….
Really it's always things that scare me like loss of control, dealing with the unknown and the unseen... Something that's not supposed to be there an….
I know that all cops are not sterling characters. But you have to have someone to root for. I balance it with rotten cops who will take a bribe, who ….
Whether we know it or not, we transmit the presence of everyone we have ever known, as though by being in each other's presence we exchange our cells….