When the Seinfeld show said it was going to be a show about nothing, everybody said it couldn't - wouldn't work. It did. Thor is about something, abo….
It is said that our destiny is set, predetermined before conception. But I myself, have never been a believer..
A good nation I will make live.This the nation above has said.They have given me the power to make over..
But, as Einstein once said, “For we convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent.”5.
We all have to meet our match sometime or other..
I have always said I am a five-dimensional fighter..
Sed nescio quo modo nihil tam absurde dici potest quod non dicatur ab aliquo philosphorum. (There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said ….
I have a master chief that always said, punch and run..
I'm afraid that whatever I touch is spoilt by the contact." "I'm not scared of being spoiled," Val said..
Life is about coming back and mastering how to come back..
We had 10 months, sliding schedule to do 52 episodes. After you get over the shock of the size of the number, the job became one of expansion..
I asked my publisher what would happen if he sold all the copies of my book he'd printed. He said 'I'll just print another ten'..
I thought you were just mean," Reagan said. "I liked that about you..
Find out what you do best, and then don't do it..
And I love Evander Holyfield to death!.
Dont let your fear paralyze you. Prepare yourself not only technically, but also emotionally..
Little said is soonest mended..
We were all Romans once, I guess..
There. I've said everything I wanted to say without actually having to use the words "please stay.
I am everyone I have ever loved..
Not that I have anything much against redundancy. But I said that already..