The Will I fell in love with, she almost said."And be Will," she finished instead. "Or I shall hit you with my umbrella..
Just come in there and stand before a live crowd, thousands of people at an Ivy League School, like Eleanor Roosevelt said, always do what you're afr….
I thought you said scrying was a bad idea.” “It's like vodka,” Calla said. “It really depends on who's doing it..
And then what?" said her daemon sleepily. "Build what?" "The Republic of Heaven," said Lyra..
You forgot the ‘my precious,’” Anna said dryly. “If you want to act like a freaking nutcase, you have to do it right..
THANK YOU everyone for supporting me and getting me in the top 3!!!! I love y'all!!!.
All we know about Jesus is what someone else wrote down... so really one should say, "Here is what someone wrote down that they said Jesus said..." t….
It wasn't that I had gotten it right . . . but that I had gotten true..
Some things that are true are not very useful..
I'm so uncoordinated..
Now I am going back And I have ripped my hand From your hand as I said I would And I have made it this far..
My most basic credo is: I never said freedom was cheap. And it ain't. Never will be. It's been the highest priced and most precious commodity in my l….
I’ve never once thought about how I was going to die,” she said. “I can’t think about it. I don’t even know how I’m going to live..
I'm not recognised much at all..
Everything that deceives may be said to enchant..
But I killed you,” Alyss said. “Did you?” Red turned to The Cat. “Why wasn’t I informed?.
Least said is soon disavowed..
If a manager of mine ever said someone was indispensable, I'd fire him..
At times he could be very critical. He didn't like prints on me. He didn't like stripes. He didn't like boldness. He said I was petite and that was t….
After 120 kilometers my body said, ‘ooh, ooh Jens! What were you thinking?’.
For me, experimenting involves traditionalism..