After 120 kilometers my body said, ‘ooh, ooh Jens! What were you thinking?’.
For me, experimenting involves traditionalism..
Most of the trouble in life comes from misunderstanding, I think,' said Anne..
Dear me," said Will, and he took another bite of his apple. "Is it because I'm better-looking than you?.
Life's the longest picture you're ever gonna take..
I do have a ridiculously high hedonic set-point.
Would he have said he loved me? I would ask myself that for the rest of my life..
What would demons," she said, "want with our microwave?.
Reflect upon your own spirit, and believe Him that said it to His overzealous disciples, 'You know not what spirit you are of.'.
An aged rabbi, crazed with liberalism, once said to me, We Jews are just ordinary human beings. Only a bit more so!.
Democritus said, words are but the shadows of actions..
Excuse me, I said. I thought you were a trout stream. I'm not, she said..
All my life, she gave to me a shovel and said, Fill these holes inside of me, Pari..
I've always said that I'm open to changes in the relations between Cuba and the U.S., but that Cuba must make changes also..
Oh, I get it," I said. "It's a parable. Cute. Let's go eat..
Clary grinned at Luke. “So you’re not moving to Idris, I take it?” “Nah,” he said. He looked as happy as she’d ever seen him. “The pizza here is terr….
There were hugs. There were words said by each of them. I don't remember what they were. Nothing haunts me more..
I have said that Mr. Trump's language is divisive..
There is nothing wrong with what he said or she said or they did, even though it does not feel good..
Demon pox,' said Will with the satisfaction of the truly vindicated..
I've said that "2012" was my favorite ensemble cast, because it was so evenly good..