Just you,' Hardy said when he got his breath back. 'All I want is you..
I've always said, the harder the golf course, the better I play..
I'm the Beast. You're the Beauty," he said. "It's all a story, isn't it?.
Inside I never said I wanted to do theatre or be an actor..
Even the European critics... They said Hostel is the smartest film they'd seen on capitalism and how it's gone too far..
You were right,” she said. “You were always right, about everything. And I will always love you, Sam. Forever..
My mother always said you could eat off her floor; you could eat of my floor too, there's so much food down there..
Screwy," I said. "Is that a medical term?" "Of course..
Who ever said that one was born just once?.
I never said I was a genius..
I said I wasn't interested, and she was bright enough to say that she wasn't really interested either. As things turned out, we both overestimated ou….
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel,” he said, very still and unmoving. “Always jumping to the wrong conclusion. You’re like a frog, you know..
What do these children do without storybooks?" Naftali asked. And Reb Zebulun replied: "They have to make do. Storybooks aren't bread. You can live w….
He was good in business, but there was business left to do. He never said he loved me, guess he thought I knew..
Anyway, how are you and Ramona doing?' Uh... you know. Pretty good.' Have you said the L-Word yet?' The L-Word? You mean? Lesbian?' Uh... No. The oth….
Nelson Mandela once said "I can't help it if the ladies take note of me; I'm not going to protest.".
All that can be said with truth of this Absolute and Supreme Reality is that IT IS. This must suffice..
Well now, Jack," Hastings said from the sidelines. "I'm afraid you've been beheaded. Not a good start." He sounded amused..
It is said that in life we must play with the cards we are dealt, but too often I have kept those cards too close to my chest..
Listen,' he said. 'It's important. We are all. Free. To do. Whatever. We want. To do..
It's something that's very often said that philosophy, as opposed to science, never makes any progress..