When painters feel the need to make a shift toward self-discovery, they turn to black and white for a time..
...boredom is all about perception. It's a self-diagnosis, plain and simple. If you don't realize you're bored, you're not..
Don't uncork what you can't contain.
Literary criticism is generally bunk. Nonsense. Usually based on self-serving post-intellectual bullshit..
I've always got the road. Stand-up makes you so autonomous and self-sufficient that it really helps with that part of show business..
Don't exaggerate. Just give your natural bitchy selves full rein.
I suspect it's because Truman Democrats have been replaced by Gruber Democrats - self-styled elitists who feed lavishly at the public trough and thin….
I only have control over what I do..
We ought to know about our culinary past. Food and identity is terribly important ... I don't mean we should go out and eat historic dishes, but we s….
Love what you do and do what you love, otherwise you will become unhappy and self-defeating..
The self-anointed media elite among us believe, somewhat self-servingly, that not only the act, or process of making a profit is positively sinister,….
A human-being is not a human-being while his tendencies include self-indulgence, covetousness, temper and attacking other people.
I think fame is something that you've achieved in your inner self that becomes known to others outside you. There are really very few famous people i….
I think somebody who is more self-reflective should ask why they personally aren't going on that path. If amateurism is so great, why didn't you stay….
I got work to do. I got a lot of work to do within myself..
Only one music comes out of me..
I think you'll find that one would be self-defeating." Jace said lightly shoving his feet into his boots. "We are bound, he and I. Cut him and I blee….
What of us lies in the hearts of others is our truest and deepest self..
No one can be a true Muslim and a true American simultaneously..
I did not create my life, so I have no right to negate my life..
Being fly is something that I consider myself. I would love to be at some point..